Reading Resolutions and Goals for 2019

     Hello everyone and welcome back to Laughter Jayne!  Please subscribe if you're new.  There's still time to enter the giveaway  I haven't put up a Bookmas post up in a few days, but I decided I'm ending Bookmas for this year.  I will still have all my regular posts going up.  Today, I wanted to talk about me Reading Resolutions and Goals for 2019!


  • Finish the books on my tbr shelf before reading other books
  • Read books that I am really excited about, and not just books that sound good
  • Utilize my Goodreads account ( Laughter Jayne )

  • This year, I want to read 150 books ( which means 12-13 books a month )
  • Participate in a readathon every month
That's all I can think of right now!  Bye for now-Lily Jayne.


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